[The Chemistry Cluster] (part 3) The Ultimate Goal of Humanity
mostafasalimdia1996@yahoo.com [thechemistrycluster]
2016-02-07 10:44:32 UTC
I have traversed the path of Golgotha of Jesus Christ and was filled with love, forgiveness, and charity.
I have followed the Holy Koran and raised the banner of the One and Only God and was filled with mercy, piety, and altruism.
I have entered the temple of Solomon in my heart and was embraced by Holy Wisdom.
I have walked the roads of Confucius and Zoroaster, and meditated the path of Everlasting Infinity of the Buddha, and soared on the wings of the Infinite Eagle of Carlos Castaneda, and have learned a great secret that life unravels only upon humble beings who vanish pride and selfishness from their hearts.
I have sailed on the ship of the prophet of Gibran Khalil Gibran and was filled with compassion and knowledge.
I have ventured in my mind to the ancient times of the great Greek philosopher Plato where we both sat in the house of the pantheon debating his teacher Socrates and other philosophers upon Utopia.
I have entered the world of Einstein and explored the depth of matter and energy and discovered the prostration of the electrons in the atom, and that of the stars, planets, and the moons to the One and Only God through their constant and everlasting movements that does not budge an iota from its estimated Divine Destiny.
I have meditated deeply the Newtonian law of gravity and discovered the Oneness of God the Almighty in the unification of the galaxies around their centers.
I have thought profoundly of the Darwinian origin and evolution of life forms on our beloved planet, and found out that science and religion derive but from the One and Only Source of Divine Knowledge that emanates from the Absolute, Everlasting, and Infinite Consciousness of the One and Only God the Almighty.
I am a friend of death, a companion of destiny, and a son of love and mercy. The One and Only God the Almighty have enlightened my heart at the age of 19, after death and destiny had paid many visits upon me since I was one year old, whereupon I have felt the presence of God like never before, then Infinity paved the way for me to go to the United States of America, where I lived in my own heaven, and acquired all kinds of knowledge that was available to me during my stay there as a student, then I was bereaved of everything upon returning to my home country Lebanon, after I was deported from my own heaven in the States in the mid 1982, after spending three and a half years there, and thereafter I have encountered endless hardships, sufferings, pains, and melancholies, and was lowered to the meanest states of living, so that the One and Only God the Almighty might purify my heart from all human evils, in order for Him to reside Alone in my humble heart, because He is the One and Only God, Who does not like sharing others with what belongs to Him and only Him.
And answering, Jesus said: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind.” (st. Luke 10-27)
I have looked through human knowledge in search of the goal that the sons of Adam seek, and I found it in two words: peace and happiness.
And I have also looked through Divine knowledge in search of the ultimate destination that God the Almighty want the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve to abide in, and I found it also in two words: peace and happiness.
Then, I looked through human and Divine Knowledge in search of the way for the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve to accomplish peace and happiness and I found it in three words: love, forgiveness, and charity.
I have, at last, meditated on human and Divine knowledge to know what can unite the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve on the three Divine words in order for them to reach peace and happiness, and I found it in one word: God.
I truly say: let the One and Only God the Almighty reside Alone in your hearts the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, as he is residing Alone in my humble heart, and the whole of humanity will then reach the ultimate goal of peace and happiness, where love, forgiveness, and charity prevail on our beloved planet Earth.
Then saith Jesus unto him, get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thou God, and him only shalt thou serve. ( St. Matthew 4-10)
It is the destiny of the Good People of the United States of America and other civilized nations to lead the human race into the ultimate goal of peace and happiness through love, forgiveness, and charity, in order for humanity to exploit the two Divine scientific realms of Nano technology and genetic engineering in atmospheres of peace and harmony, whereupon the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve will make planet Earth into their own Heaven, and the impossible shall become feasible, then unimaginable prolonged life and unlimited control over matter and energy will be available to Human Beings after uncovering all the Divine secrets of the human gene and the atom, because that is what the One and Only God the Almighty have ordained for Good and Humble Human Sentient Beings, if they shall follow the path of love, forgiveness, and charity. Otherwise, the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve will exploit these two domains in atmospheres of evil doings, as of the fact that a great number of human beings are now traversing the path of hatred, envy, and greed, that will lead eventually towards the greatest destruction and annihilation of the biggest majority of organic life, since its origination and evolution by God the Almighty on our Beloved Mother Earth.
If you shall love the one and only God the Almighty alone, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. and you shall worship none, and serve no other but him, who is also the Absolute, Everlasting, Eternal, infinite, and Divine Supreme Being, then your love to the world will exceed the finite, and would be extended to everything in existence, and be engulfing every creature in it as equal as you love yourself, because everything and every creature in existence is but a part of the Divine Self of the Absolute and Infinite Being, and since your love embraces every single and one part of the Infinite Whole of the Divine Self, you would become a Good and Humble Human Sentient Being.
The One and Only God the Almighty, or the Infinite Cosmic power, or the Universal Divine Field of Energy, or the Infinite Circle of Divine Consciousness, or the Supreme One Being, or the Infinite Eagle of Emanations, or whatever Name this Infinite and Divine One Entity have ever taken over Endless time and space in the endless and infinite universes that have existed since endless past eternity and will exist throughout endless future eternity, is nothing but the Indivisible, Indescribable, and Infinite One Divine Void, that have allowed -due to Its Divine Void Essence- for the origination and evolution of creation (through death and destiny) since endless past eternity, and will allow for creation throughout endless future eternity, from Itself and through Itself, and have allowed, and will allow, for the movement of matter and energy from one point to another throughout that Endless and Eternal One Divine Void, that constitutes 99.99999
.. percent of the infinitesimal structure of matter and energy, and after we run deep inside matter and energy and divide it into the last infinitesimal part we reach the Infinite and indivisible One Divine Void.
Otherwise, if that Infinite and Divine One Entity were of a different nature than the Divine Void, it would have occupied completely everything in existence with an Indivisible, Indescribable, and Infinite One Voidless Divine Essence, and would have left no room for the origination and evolution of creation since endless past eternity, and would not allow for creation throughout endless future eternity, from Itself and through Itself, and would have not allowed, and would not allow, for the movement of matter and energy from one point to another throughout that Endless and Eternal One Divine Voidless Essence.
death and destiny are: destined, programmed. systematic, absolutely precise and calculated, and orderly big bangs, cosmic collisions and blasts, supernovae, solar blasts, geological factors, volcanic eruptions, atomic and chemical reactions, natural catastrophes, and other horrific or extremely strenuous big events and circumstances
Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass, and We tore them apart? (Holy Koran - Alanbiya – verse 30)
We constructed the universe with power, and we are expanding it (Holy Koran – the Aldhariyat (the winnowing winds) – verse 47)
It is up to us Good and Humble Human Sentient Beings to attain our Ordained Divine Destiny through the path of love, forgiveness, and charity, so as to lead our beloved brothers and sisters in humanity into salvation, that will be manifested in global peace and happiness, away from suffering, pain, death and extinction