[The Chemistry Cluster] (part 5) The Mysterious Designs of Infinity
mostafasalimdia1996@yahoo.com [thechemistrycluster]
2016-02-07 10:45:25 UTC
The dark snares of death have already reached the vicinity of our mother earth to snatch a great number of lost souls. Infinity is about to retrieve the developed raw awareness of the greatest majority of organic life. Infinity originates life by granting all living creatures, whether they are organic or inorganic with raw primitive awareness, in order for them to develop that raw awareness through the process of evolution.
We are an awareness and feelings. Those feelings accumulate into what we call the ego, or the social being. Only humans can develop that ego. That ego is divided into good and bad self-importance. All the bad feelings like hatred, envy and greed are part of the bad self-importance. All the good feelings like love forgiveness, and charity are part of the good self-importance.
The raw awareness develops into the human attention through the process of evolution, and all human feelings develop with time since birth whether they are good or bad.
Humans are supposed to enhance the good part of self-importance through patience, strong will, and determination in order to develop the human attention into what we call an enhanced attention or the state of enlightenment.
Humans can never get rid of the bad self-importance. We can only lock it inside ourselves through patience, strong will, and determination to keep it from influencing our awareness, and enhance the feelings of love, forgiveness, and charity, to let it take control of our awareness in order for us to reach the state of enlightenment.
The state of enlightenment allows us to unite with the Absolute and Infinite Divine Awareness of God the Almighty so that we could receive the gift of knowledge, and become Enlightened Beings or men of knowledge.
The Almighty have destined to purify the dark side of mother earth. The designs of Infinity are merciless. They are determined to clear the blue planet from all evil doings. The time has come for us to pay the price for all our evil doings.
I believed at one time that I was holy, when the Flame of Divinity had touched my heart at the age of 19. I was fooled to think that God the Almighty had favored me over others. The designs of Infinity are merciless. They have no consideration for our grandiose ego. God the Almighty had sent death and destiny to break my previous perceptions of the world that was created by the fantoms of my ego.
I was bereaved of all the good things and cleansed of all the bad things I have accumulated through the evolution of my raw awareness prior to the age of 19 years old. My bad self-importance was locked in through my patience, strong will, and determination, and I have become a mere humble sentient being equal to all other creatures. I am living no more in a world of myth that we all weave around our important and grandiose egos. Infinity favors no one. God the Almighty looks at all creatures in an unbiased just eye.
Humanity will suffer great calamities, wars, and evil doings over the next twenty years, if we don’t make a grand and whole new change in our perceptions that we have created about our world and fantom ego during the evolution of our raw awareness.
Infinity have destined to take things into their hands and make that grand and whole new change in the evolution of our perceptions of the world, in case we don’t take the initiative and break our bad self-importance that we have enhanced inside our grandiose and arrogant egos. We must follow the path of love, forgiveness, and charity to make that grand change come true.
Bad self-importance is manifested in hatred, envy, and greed that we have all learned to use as shields to protect us from the onslaughts of the unknown. We are creatures of survival. We have learned to conquer all our natural enemies. But we have also created a kind of ego that no other creature on the planet has. That was the prize of our victories. The time has come to pay the price of those fantom quests.
We could make our mother earth into our Kingdom of the Heavens, if we chose to follow the path of love, forgiveness, and charity.
Science is the Holy Knowledge that Infinity have granted us with since ancient times to help us survive the harsh circumstances of evolution itself. We have exploited that Holy Knowledge to provide us with means to conquer all our natural enemies. But, we have deviated from our Destined Path of Enlightenment that was designed by Infinity itself for us to follow.
We are supposed to become Enlightened Beings through that Holy Knowledge, by following the path of love, forgiveness and charity. Instead, our bad self-importance have made us into the worst egoist beings on the planet, through the bad exploitation of that Holy Knowledge, by following the path of hatred, envy, and greed.
We will bring destruction to the majority of organic life on our mother earth, during the next twenty years, through that Holy Knowledge itself. Science again will be exploited in the worst means. We would develop the two Divine branches of Nano technology and genetic engineering, in addition to other scientific developments in evil ways that will eventually lead to that mass destruction, if we deviate from the path of love, forgiveness, and charity, and keep on following the path of hatred, envy, and greed.
But if human beings decide to follow their Destined Divine Path and develop the two holy branches of Nano technology and genetic engineering, in addition to other ramifications of the Holy Knowledge that was granted to us by Infinity itself, they would make mother earth into The Kingdom of The Heavens.
Future generations of human beings - hopefully we will be among them - would become Eternal and Enlightened Creatures having unlimited control over matter and energy. Humans would not need to grow plants or raise animals for food anymore. They would not need to build homes, or make furniture and transportation vehicles either. Everything would be created through Nano machines worn as rings on fingers, or as bracelets on wrists, or as miniature mobile phones in pockets. Humans would also be able to change their forms into the most beautiful creatures in the universe and keep as young as they wish. Humans would make all their wishes come true just by ordering their Nano machines to grant them the wildest wishes they would ever imagine, and all the future generations of Enlightened Human Sentient Beings would be living in the promised Paradise, or the Nirvana, or the Other World that all Prophets and men of knowledge have preached since time immemorial.
Humans would be able to transport themselves over distances of hundreds or thousands of light years in matters of seconds. They would live happily ever after in total peace and harmony to discover new worlds and civilizations that are scattered throughout the billions of galaxies in our universe, or in the unlimited numbers of other universes that have been originated in that infinite existence since endless past eternity, and will continue to be originated over endless future eternity.
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